Saturday, June 6, 2015

We made it! Our first night in Montreat.

Our first day was not very eventful, but very pleasant! It started with a somewhat slow car ride that was full of dogs wandering, people asking to go to the bathroom ( mostly me), and Andrew playing some cool tunes on the melodiphone (probably spelled wrong). It ended with our arrival at our house, where immediately George made a dent in the drainage pipe with a frisbee ( don't ask how). This was followed by soccer and more frisbee. After a beautiful tour of the campus, we settled down at our house where we proceeded to play a dice game that I still fully don't understand the rules. ( and no parents, gambling was not involved). Over all, it was a good day!

- Clayton (Claydo) Spaulding


  1. Hope you have a fun and transforming week!

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  4. Sounds like a great start! Love to you all!

  5. So glad you made it there safely!! And without getting lost...
